In the past (and I'm talking about 10 or 9 years ago), to be able to use miniature X or Y (and I speak in any game) you always had to wait for the brand that developed the game to take it out as a novelty. Over time, many other brands joined the bandwagon and began releasing alternative miniatures for many games (see Scibor , GameZone , Mantic , Fireforge , MoMminiatures , or even WarlordGames itself were born as alternative brands to Games-Workshop), and in that At precisely the moment, a world of opportunities opened up for us to be able to personalize our armies, offering alternatives at a normally cheaper price than the original brand.
In fact, there are very valid arguments to see 3D Printing as a very beneficial factor for wargames.
The expansion of "original" armies is extended: For example, when I bought my first 3D Printer, and after a year playing Bolt Action, I only had an army of paratroopers from the 101. 3 years later, I'm going to get myself Bolt Action's twelfth army, none under 3000 points, with the consequent purchase of miniatures that would not have been possible without the printers.
It is easier to develop new wargames, since developers have more facility to prototype and sell their miniatures, even if it is digitally.
Access to "top" lists no longer depends on the player's financial resources.
How many times have we seen how the army that just came out is the "top" of the moment and / or that the news makes an army obsolete if you don't make a significant financial outlay?
And we know that this is so in the world of Wargames (whether 40k or Bolt), the army that comes out new, is the one that splits the corduroy, and if you like to play with a certain competitive level you have to go through the box. That is why the financial capacity of the player no longer limits the ability to play. In fact, in my opinion, one of the factors in the victory of the Spanish team in the WTC World Cup (mainly their quality as players, I mean apart from that), was access to any vehicles they needed, since they were provided free of charge.
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